Hamilton County, Ohio is one example with birth, delayed birth, corrected birth, death, marriage, estate, naturalization, guardianships and other records.
Let's hope that more counties preserve and make their records accessible in this manner!
Finding original records online to document your family tree.
1840 Census of Pensioners, Revolutionary or Military Service
World War II Army Enlistment Records
aad.archives.gov/aad/title-list.jsp: Select All Series, then scroll down and click the database name.
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System
Revolutionary War Era Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files
www.heritagequestonline.com: Available free through subscribing libraries.
Military Research Room: 1820 Pension List
Valley Forge Muster Roll Project
Research Guidance for Military Records
Research in Military Records
US Military Records Research Outline
www.familysearch.org/eng/search/rg/frameset_rhelps.asp: Click on Sorted by Subject, then on M. Scroll down to Military Records, item number 34118.
Webinars are online seminars where you see and hear the presentation. Some of the FREE webinars available include:
New England Historic Genealogical Society
Researching Your Newfoundland Ancestors
Bridging the Atlantic - Methods of Tracing Your 17th Century New England Ancestors An Overview of the NEHGS Manuscript Collection
Library resources at NEHGS
Finding Your Ancestors Online
Who Was Your Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother?
Getting Started in Irish Genealogy
Applying to Lineage Societies
Genealogical Tips: Transcribing Gravestones
Getting Started in Genealogy – 3 parts
Civil War Pension Research: Union Soldiers
Methods of Finding a Wife's Maiden Name
Ancestry.com webinars
Best Strategies for Searching Ancestry.com
Getting Started on Ancestry.com
Genealogy in Gotham: New York City Research
European Research: Tips and Tools for Success
Genetic Genealogy Made Easy
The Canadian Historical Censuses, 1851-1916
Military Records on Ancestry.com
Conquering the Challenge of Reading Handwritten Documents
Making a Breakthrough in your African American Research
Discover Your Jewish Family History at Ancestry.com
http://www.irelandroots.com/ - message boards
http://www.recordsireland.com/ - paid research – information on various records (detailed descriptions, availability etc...)
http://www.irishorigins.com/ $$ - access to Griffith's Valuation 1847-1864 (most of the census records for the nineteenth century were destroyed in 1922, when the Public Records Office was burned down, Griffith's Valuation represents the most comprehensive survey of households available for the period.)
http://www.nli.ie/en/family-history-introduction.aspx - National Library of Ireland
www.nationalarchives.ie - National Archives
www.ireland.anglican.org - Representative Church Body Library
www.proni.gov.uk/ - Public Record Office of Northern Ireland
http://www.proni.gov.uk/index/search_the_archives.htm - Search the Archives
http://www.proni.gov.uk/index/search_the_archives/ulster_covenant.htm - Ulster Covenant
http://www.proni.gov.uk/index/search_the_archives/freeholders_records.htm - Freeholders’ Records
http://www.proni.gov.uk/index/search_the_archives/will_calendars.htm - Wills - District Probate Registries of Armagh, Belfast and Londonderry from 1858 to c.1900.
http://www.irishtimes.com/ancestor/ - Surname history