Saturday, November 29, 2008

Roots Television

Roots Television is one of my favorite genealogy websites. On TV there are dedicated channels for sports, cooking, golf and music. This is a "genealogy channel" with programming on the internet so that every show is available to watch whenever you want. Roots Television offers free genealogy and family history videos with topics including: Conferences, How-to, DNA, African Roots, British research, Irish family history, Hispanic roots, Libraries, Archives, Reunions, Photo Restoration and more. I like the How-to section with instructional videos and lectures from genealogy conferences. If you missed the Ancestors serics on PBS you can watch all of the episodes on Roots Television. There is even a RootsTube where you can upload your own family history videos. Surf over to and give it a try!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Internet Genealogy Course

This blog is being created as a place to post links to original records for the Internet Genealogy course taught by Angela McGhie. Records are being digitzed and posted on the internet at an ever increasing pace. We can use these records in our genealogy research as we strive to document the lives of our ancestors. I will post links for each record type we cover in the class and I invite everyone to post comments with links to additional records available. I will also post news of new record collections that become available.